SvelteHack 2024 Winners

Wizzbangery Wizard

๐Ÿ† Kunkun

Kunkun is a cross-platform extensible app launcher like Raycast or Alfred. All extensions run in a sandboxed environment by default to ensure security.

๐Ÿฅˆ Infinite Turtles

A card game made with Threlte.

#3 Svudoku

Svudoku is a modern-looking Sudoku application that lets you enjoy solving both Classic and Killer Sudoku puzzles.

#4 Svelte Space

A TowerDefence clicker game made with Svelte 5, without canvas. Playable on different screens, Mobile or Desktop.

#5 Haunted House

Old-school arcade game where you explore a haunted mansion full of ghosts. Control plasma bullets, use your wits and clear the whole house! Created only with Svelte 5.

Rune Ritualist

๐Ÿ† SyncroState

SyncroState brings Svelte 5 reactivity DX to the multiplayer level. Built on top of Yjs, it's a typesafe, efficient and dead simple way to manage multiplayer state. It is just like a normal $state but synchronised in realtime.

๐Ÿฅˆ Twoslash Svelte

Twoslash Svelte is an extension of `twoslashes/twoslash` which supports Svelte. This will be beneficial for adding type hints to code blocks on any documentation website targeting Svelte.

#3 svisx

A port of Airbnb's visx to Svelte, bringing the power of D3 visualizations to the Svelte ecosystem.

#4 Svelte Value Inspect

Svelte Value Inspect is a "json tree"-like inspector inspired by the likes of react-json-view, and svelte-json-tree.

#5 Flexiboards

Headless, reactive drag and drop components for Svelte 5.

Migration Magician

๐Ÿ† Svelte MapLibre GL

Build interactive web maps effortlessly with MapLibre GL JS and Svelte 5.

๐Ÿฅˆ svelte-ux

Collection of Svelte components, actions, stores, and utilities to build highly interactive applications.

#3 rokkit

Rokkit is a data-driven, configurable, and themeable UI library built for use with Svelte. Rokkit controls are designed to be easily themeable, so you can match the look and feel of your project with minimal effort.

#4 Svelte MiniApps

Boost your productivity with Svelte MiniApps - a collection of user-friendly tools rebuilt with Svelte 5 for enhanced speed and reliability!

#5 Roguelighter Engine

Roguelighter is a free, open-source, easy-to-use game engine for 2D game development.